Ríkislögreglustjóri hefur lýst yfir hættustigi almannavarna fyrir allt landið vegna aftakaveðurs á morgun, mánudaginn 7. febrúar 2022.
Rauð veðurviðvörun hefur verið gefin út fyrir höfuðborgarsvæðið á morgun sem þýðir að fólk á ekki að vera á ferðinni nema brýna nauðsyn beri til. Þó svo veður verði skaplegt á morgun og veðurviðvaranir ekki til staðar, þá mun færð spillast og er mikilvægt að fólk haldi sig heima meðan verið er að ryðja vegi og fólk fylgist vel með upplýsingum, en það er tímafrekt að ryðja húsgötur.
Reglulegt skóla- og frístundastarf fellur niður en leikskólar og grunnskólar verða engu að síður opnir með lágmarksmönnun fyrir fólk sem þarf nauðsynlega á vistun fyrir börn sín að halda – það er fólk sem sinnir neyðarþjónustu, löggæslu, slökkvistörfum og björgunarsveitarútköllum.
The National Commissioner of the police has activated an alert level of risk from the department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management tomorrow, Monday the 7th of February 2022 due to dangerous weather conditions.
The meteorological office has issued a red weather warning in Reykjavík, capital region, South Iceland and Faxaflói due to a severe gale or storm and blizzard conditions. This means people should not be outside unless absolutely necessary.
The red weather warning will be lifted as the weather improves in the morning. However, it is expected that roads will be impassable. It is important that people remain at home while roads are being cleared, as road clearing is consuming. People should follow and await information regarding road conditions.
Regular school and after school programs will be cancelled although kindergartens and elementary schools will open with minimal staffing for people who necessarily need day-care for their children – meaning people that tend to emergency services, police officers, fire fighters and rescue team members participating in search and rescue.
Jutro, dnia 7 lutego, Główny Komendant Policji ogłosił stan wysokiego zagrożenia na obszarze całej Islandii z powodu ekstremalnie złej pogody.
Jutro, w poniedziałek czerwony alert pogodowy będzie obowiązywał na obszarze stołecznym. Oznacza to, że mieszkańcy nie powinni wychodzić z domu, z wyjątkiem sprawach niezbędnych. Jeżeli pogoda jutro okaże się lepsza niż przewidywana, a alert pogodowy nie będzie ogłoszony, warunki jazdy i tak będą ciężkie i dlatego mieszkańcy powinni pozostać w domach do czasu odśnieżenia ulic. Prosimy mieszkańców o monitorowanie informacji, ponieważ odśnieżanie ulic osiedlowych może zająć dużo czasu.
Zajęcia szkolne i pozalekcyjne zostają odwołane. Szkoły i przedszkola będą mimo wszystko otwarte, aby zapewnić opiekę nad dziećmi personelu ratunkowego – czyli służb ratunkowych, policji, straży pożarnej i ochotniczego pogotowia ratunkowego.