Hoppa í meginmál
mos.is - Forsíða
7. desember 2015

    The Civil Protecti­on in Ice­land has issu­ed a statement warn­ing people in South Ice­land to stay put af­ter 12 noon and people in Reykja­vik and all ot­her parts of Ice­land to stay put af­ter 5 pm this af­ternoon. The magnitude of the app­roaching storm is so great that such conditi­ons occ­ur only every 10 to 20 ye­ars, reports The Ice­land Civil Protecti­on.

    The Civil Protecti­on in Ice­land has issu­ed a statement warn­ing people in South Ice­land to stay put af­ter 12 noon and people in Reykja­vik and all ot­her parts of Ice­land to stay put af­ter 5 pm this af­ternoon. The magnitude of the app­roaching storm is so great that such conditi­ons occ­ur only every 10 to 20 ye­ars, reports The Ice­land Civil Protecti­on.

    As we reported last nig­ht, the Ice­land Met Office has issu­ed a warn­ing for hurricane force winds hitt­ing Ice­land today. All rescue teams and the Ice­land Civil Protecti­on are on high al­ert today.



    Opið virka daga
    mán. – fim. 8:00-16:00
    fös. 8:00-14:00

    Þjónustuver 525-6700

    Opið virka daga
    mán. – fim. 8:00-16:00
    fös. 8:00-14:00