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mos.is - Forsíða
15. apríl 2020

    For­sæt­is­ráð­herra, heil­brigð­is­ráð­herra og dóms­mála­ráð­herra kynntu á blaða­manna­fundi þann 14. apríl næstu skref stjórn­valda vegna Covid-19.

    For­sæt­is­ráð­herra, heil­brigð­is­ráð­herra og dóms­mála­ráð­herra kynntu á blaða­manna­fundi þann 14. apríl næstu skref stjórn­valda vegna Covid-19.


    Helstu breyt­ing­ar sem verða 4. maí næst­kom­andi:

    Fjölda­mörk sam­komu­banns mið­ast við 50 ein­stak­linga í stað 20 áður. Regl­ur um tveggja metra fjar­lægð haldast óbreytt­ar.

    Skólast­arf í leik- og grunn­skól­um verð­ur með eðli­leg­um hætti.

    Í fram­halds- og há­skól­um gild­ir meg­in­regl­an um hámark 50 ein­stak­linga í sama rými.

    Ýmis þjón­usta: Hár­greiðslu­stof­ur, nudd­stof­ur, sjúkra­þjálf­un, snyrti­stof­ur, söfn og sam­bæri­leg starf­semi geta haf­ið starf­semi en halda skal 2 m fjar­lægð milli við­skipta­vina eins og kost­ur er.

    Heil­brigð­is­þjón­usta: Öll heil­brigð­is­starf­semi sem ekki fel­ur í sér val­kvæð­ar skurð­að­gerð­ir eða að­r­ar ífar­andi að­gerð­ir verð­ur heim­il. Tann­lækn­ing­ar verða einn­ig heim­il­ar.

    Skipu­lagt íþrótt­ast­arf barna á leik- og grunn­skóla­aldri verð­ur heim­ilt ut­an­dyra með eft­ir­far­andi tak­mörk­un­um:

    • Ekki fleiri en 50 ein­stak­ling­ar verða sam­an í hóp.
    • Halda skal tveggja metra fjar­lægð eft­ir því sem það er unnt, einkum hjá eldri börn­um.


    Ann­að skipu­lagt íþrótt­ast­arf er heim­ilt ut­an­dyra með eft­ir­far­andi tak­mörk­un­um:

    • Ekki fleiri en fjór­ir ein­stak­ling­ar æfa eða leika sam­an.
    • Snert­ing­ar eru óheim­il­ar og halda skal tveim­ur metr­um á milli ein­stak­linga.
    • Notk­un á sam­eig­in­leg­um bún­aði skal hald­ið í lág­marki en ann­ars skal sótt­hreinsa hann á milli notk­un­ar.


    Nokk­ur at­riði sem haldast óbreytt:

    • Und­an­þág­ur fyr­ir efna­hags­lega mik­il­væg fyr­ir­tæki verða óbreytt­ar.
    • Líkt og hing­að til verð­ur heim­ilt að taka á móti 100 ein­stak­ling­um í mat­vöru­versl­un­um og lyfja­versl­un­um hverju sinni að upp­fyllt­um til­tekn­um skil­yrð­um.
    • Sund­laug­ar og lík­ams­rækt­ar­stöðv­ar verða áfram lok­að­ar.
    • Regl­ur um skemmti­staði, krár, spila­sali og svip­aða starf­semi verða óbreytt­ar og slík­ir stað­ir því áfram lok­að­ir.
    • Fyr­ir­mæli land­lækn­is frá 23. mars sl. um val­kvæð­ar skurð­að­gerð­ir eða að­r­ar ífar­andi að­gerð­ir haldast óbreytt.



    Restricti­ons to be gradually lifted start­ing 4 May

    At a press con­f­erence today, the Prime Mini­ster, the Mini­ster of Health, and the Mini­ster of Justice introduced steps to lift the restricti­ons cur­rently in place in Ice­land due to the COVID-19 out­break. The Mini­ster of Health announced her decisi­on to ease restricti­ons on lar­ger gat­her­ings and lim­itati­ons on schools and preschools.

    As of 4 May, lar­ger gat­her­ings will be lim­ited to 50 people, in­stead of 20, and service provi­ders, such as hair salons and dent­ists, will be able to open their doors again. High schools and uni­versities will reopen with certain lim­itati­ons, while element­ary schools and preschools will ret­urn to normal. The decisi­on is based on the recomm­endati­ons of the Chief Ep­i­dem­iolog­ist.

    More than 1700 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in Ice­land, and over 100 people have been hospitalized due to the virus. In recent days, the rate of new in­fecti­ons has slowed. The out­break is thoug­ht to have reached its peak and is now on moving down, as a result of to wide-rang­ing contain­ment and mitigati­on mea­sures. The prevalence of the virus among the general pop­ulati­on seems to be about 1%, accord­ing to the large-scale screen­ing und­er­ta­ken by the biotech comp­any deCode. It remains necess­ary to maintain a certain level of restricti­ons, in or­der to prevent a second wave of in­fecti­ons. Thus, the Chief Ep­i­dem­iolog­ist proposes mea­sures will be lifted incrementally and reviewed every three to four weeks.

    Main changes from 4 May

    Lim­its on large gat­her­ings will go from 20 to 50 people. The two-meter social dist­anc­ing rule will still be in ef­fect.

    Schools and preschools will operate norm­ally.

    High schools and uni­versities will reopen, but the 50-per­son lim­it and two-meter social dist­anc­ing mea­sures app­ly.

    Vari­ous services: Hair salons, massage par­lours, physical therapy cl­inics, beauty par­lours, museums, and ot­her sim­il­ar services can reopen, but are to maintain the two-meter social dist­anc­ing rule as possi­ble.

    Healt­hcare: Healt­hcare and dental practices (electi­ve sur­gery exclu­ded) will res­ume.

    Org­an­ized sports acti­vities for children are permitted out­doors with lim­itati­ons:

    • Groups will be lim­ited to no more than 50 children.
    • Particip­ants are to keep two meters ap­art as possi­ble, especially in older age groups.

    Ot­her org­an­ized sports acti­vities are permitted out­doors with lim­itati­ons:

    • No more than four indi­viduals can train or play toget­her.
    • Touching is prohi­bited, and indi­viduals are to stay two meters ap­art.
    • The use of shared equip­ment should be lim­ited, and all equip­ment sanit­ized af­ter every use.

    The follow­ing mea­sures will remain in ef­fect:

    • Ex­empti­ons for economically significant comp­anies will remain unchanged.
    • As before, grocery stor­es and pharmacies can allow up to 100 people to enter their esta­blis­h­ments simulta­neously.
    • Swimm­ing pools and gym facilities will remain closed.
    • Nig­htclu­bs, bars, and sim­il­ar bus­inesses will remain closed.
    • The Directorate of Health’s instructi­ons reg­ar­ding the post­po­nement of electi­ve sur­geries will remain in ef­fect.



    Opið virka daga
    mán. – fim. 8:00-16:00
    fös. 8:00-12:00

    Þjónustuver 525-6700

    Opið virka daga
    mán. – fim. 8:00-16:00
    fös. 8:00-13:00